Celebrity Health: October 2006
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Steps To A Beautiful Summer Body By Adopting A Healthy Lifestyle

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Steps to a beautiful summer body by adopting a healthy lifestyle

There are more than 20 proven health benefits to regular exercise, including better heart health and sleeping patterns, a lower risk of osteoporosis and better control of high blood pressure. exercise is an excellent de-stressor and slimming aid as well as giving you a healthy lifestyle. cardio exercise, an exercise that increases your pulse rate makes you breathe faster and work up a sweat, will help burn fat and make you fitter. exercise, particularly resistance training, builds muscle, which will increase your metabolic rate to burn more fat.

Set yourself realistic short- term and long-term goals regarding exercise. You may dream of running a half marathon or just being able to walk 5km at a brisk pace in a few months time. Start by setting small monthly goals, and then weekly goals. Bear in mind your current fitness levels when you set goals. Consider other exercise options like swimming, mountain biking, dancing, hiking or canoeing if running, walking, cycling or gyms don’t appeal to you!

According to scientific data, it’s best to lose between 0.5kg and 1kg week, and to do this by following a balanced diet. You can lose five to 9kg of body fat in 2.5 months. Yes, you will loose more weight following a fad diet, but within weeks you’ll be fatter than ever.

Set aside time to exercise. You need at least four half hour sessions a week. Decide when suits you best whether it is mornings or afternoons. Then stick to it – you will get the best results if you do cardio exercises at least three times a week, and muscle training at least twice a week.

When the going gets tough, it’s harder to drop out if you’re accountable to a partner, so why not get a friend on board – you will be surprised how many people want to go the gym, but will not go alone!. Each time you visit gym increase your time by three minutes a session at the beginning of each week. Walk or run at a pace at which you’re able to talk to your buddy without being out of breath. Apply this ‘slow start’ principle and gradually increase in intensity of exercise. Forgive yourself if you miss a session, and get back on track as quickly as possible and keep striving towards your healthy lifestyle.

1. Every day eat two fist-sized fruits and three to five fist-sized portions of veggies.

2. Try to eat red meat only three days a week and fish or chicken four times a week.

3. Limit fried food, salami and pastries to one fist-sized portion a week.

4. Have only two tablespoons of butter or oil a day.

5. Limit all desserts and sweets to a golf-ball-sized portion a week.

6. Use skimmed milk and fat-free yoghurts.

7. Have no more than a golf- ball-sized portion of cheese a week.

8. Although nuts and avocados are healthy, they’re also rich in fats. Limit your intake to a handful of nuts and half an avo a week.

Get the whole family a Healthy Lifestyle - feel and look great in a few simple steps!

9:38 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Lose Weight Fast - The 3 Most Important Tips To Success

There are three reasons why most people cant lose weight and this applies to about 90% of people who embark on a diet to lose weight fast.

The three tips below are applicable to any diet, will help you lose weight fast and allow you to enjoy ANY Food you like.

There easy to do and will make your dieting a pleasure rather than a chore.

1. Be Realistic!

Healthy dieting takes time and this applies to ANY diet so don’t crash diet not only is it unhealthy it will make you ill and even more importantly when you stop the pounds will pile back on even quicker.

Take it in simple steps but use this diet to get the fastest results when you start and get you motivated – The cabbage soup diet.

It lasts only 1 week and is the fastest way to get started. It should only be used for 1 week then you can switch to any healthy diet you wish that is balanced i.e. you get all food groups

2. Starving yourself is not the answer!

Your body will only lose a few pounds a week and starving yourself will not make it any quicker or depriving yourself of any of the major food groups.

You need to eat 5 meals a day 3 main and two snacks and make sure you never skip breakfast to avoid hunger pangs later in the day.

While you need to eat 5 meals a day you need to keep in mind portion control, how do you do that?

Well lets consider say rice tuna and vegetables as a meal the size of each portion should be the size of your fist. This is a simple way to achieve portion control

So try the above and make sure you eat 3 meals per day and snack on as much fruit or vegetables as you wish.

3. One Day a week do the following

Follow your diet for six days a week and then on one day forget about your diet and eat whatever you want.

There is logic here and it’s the psychological impact on your mind.

If you overeat once a week you remove the one reason many diets fail, which is when choice is removed from you want it even more and don’t stick with your chosen diet.

By allowing yourself one day off from your diet you can say:

I will stick with the diet and I can still have the foods I really want i.e I have a choice.

So won’t this defeat the object of dieting No it wont, and there are 3 reasons why:

1. It makes NO Long term difference

You will have been eating sensibly on the other six days and one day won't make much difference.

2. It Teaches you better eating habits

By overeating and having treats you will perhaps realize that that your body has adjusted to better eating habits.

This day may not be the pleasure you thought i.e. when every day was a free day, or you don't actually want to eat as much as you thought before you came to your free day.

3. It gives a choice.

By giving us choices we are more likely to stay with the diet we have chosen.

Remember: To gain weight you have to eat a lot

Gaining weight is a long term process and you won't undo the good you have done on the other six days by having a free day. What you will do is give yourself the choice and make sticking with a diet less onerous.

No one wants to be told they can't have the foods they really enjoy, the free day gives you choice (the major reason most diets fail) and helps you stick with sensible eating longer term.

So on your free day if you fancy a Big Mac or a pizza go ahead and don’t feel guilty dieting should be a pleasure and not a chore so don’t feel guilty.

If you follow the three tips above you will be able to lose weight in a healthy fashion and reach your ultimate weight while enjoying any food you want. Try it and see!


On all aspects of nutrition and diet visit our website for the best in articles features and downloads at www.net-planet.org/index.html

9:36 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Lose 10 Pounds Quick The Right Way

Rather than trying to accomplish unreasonable milestones, try taking baby steps with your weight loss regimen. Instead of saying you want to look like a supermodel within a year, set a reachable goal of 10 pounds at a time for example. It is a lot easier to lose 10 pounds fast than it is to lose several shirt or dress sizes.

If appropriate, try to join a support community of other like-minded families who want to get rid of weight. Not only will this help keep you focused, but it's a lot more fun as well! If an activity is more fun you will be more likely to partake in it. Otherwise if it's all work and no play we tend to procrastinate.

I've seen this time and time again, consumers who get very pumped up in the beginning and vow to follow through with their selected weight loss regimen. The fact is this motivation quickly subsides sooner or later, and all your work will have been for nothing.

At any rate if you are trying to shed 10 pounds or 50 pounds, you need two things, diet and exercise. Going with only one route without the other will not provide you with the ultimate vitality levels- which is what you are trying to go for in the first place. In terms of diet, it's advisable to seek a consultation with a nutritionist to see what is the best diet regimen for you.

People may avoid this because they think it is an unnecessary cost, but think of it this way, you either see an expert, or you have to try and become the expert yourself- wasting tons of time and money on resources and books in the process while failing to shed any weight in the process.

After you've crafted your diet regimen, find some physical activities that you can do for fun and is user friendly to where you live. For starters, you can go jogging around the block a few times a day while listening to some music.

Quick healthy weight loss related products and services are to be had at the author's portal.


9:33 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink

Caution! Chinese Weight Loss Medicines: Bogus and Detrimental to Health

diet pills like Phentermine, Adipex, Xenical and other drugs of their kind can doubtlessly provide you relief from the shackles of obesity but it would be absolutely foolhardy to assume that each and every diet pill can provide the same relief and is at par with the fda approved weight loss medications.

Recently the Food and drugs Administration of USA issued a warning throughout the world against chinese weight loss medications, Chaso (Jianfei) diet Capsules and Chaso Genp. This warning has been issued by the fda as a precautionary measure to save people from falling prey to the effects of these medicines after several Japanese citizen died and some other fell ill through the intake of these pills.

Incorporating a diet pill into the system which is not fully effective or in which the potential ingredients necessary for working against the extra kilos in your body don’t exist in equal amount will absolutely be of no use in your war against obesity. But if the weight loss drug you are going to pick up from the market and administer into your system contain certain toxic materials then it is nothing but your health which will be subjected to immense harm. These products have been proved to be detrimental to health for the ingredient named aristolochic acid being found in them. As soon as the results of these medications became visible, fda issued a nationwide alert beseeching people to

abstain from using these products and inviting destruction to their own health.

The weight loss enthusists who indulge in the selling and marketing of bogus weight loss

medications are people with brains and so whenever they determine to fill the market

with unlicensed and ineffective drugs and sell them to the customers as genuine weight

loss medicines they do it very skillfully. So it is up to you and you alone to avoid being

cheated and keep yourself at a safe distance from these potentially disastrous weight loss


But how to achieve it? By simply opting for an F DA approved diet pill. With a diet pill
approved by the Food And drugs Administration, USA, you no longer be at the risk of

being cheated. The proper guidelines regarding drug usage and new discoveries relating

to weight loss drugs are published by fda on its official website which further enables

you to adopt a cautionary and effective approach while starting off with your weight loss

Leave harmful medicines like the aforementioned chinese diet pills behind and accelerate your weight loss process with anyone of fda approved weight loss drugs, Phentermine being the most popular. Along with proper dieting and regular physical exercises, your Phentermine usage can help you to inch your way towards a life free from obesity.

Finally, caution is the keyword while you begin with any weight loss medicine or any other drug. Tread along with a carefully planned approach and only then you would be able to metamorphose your weight loss dreams into reality.

Earnshaw Peters is a well known writer on weight loss, obesity and the diet pill Phentermine. You can get hold of all his work on these topics simply by paying a visit to the website www.phentermine-effects.com

9:30 AM :: 0 comments ::

janangel :: permalink